At Believe Pediatric Physical Therapy, we know that oftentimes all parents are told that their children. . . "will never walk, will never talk, will never...."
But we have seen many of these children do things they were never "supposed" to do, and we believe that every child deserves an opportunity to be challenged, to be supported, to be believed in. Not every child will walk, or sit independently, or even roll without assistance, but every child deserves the opportunity to achieve their potential. And at Believe, we are committed to offering the tools to help them.
At Believe Pediatric Physical Therapy, we utilize intensive Therasuit therapy because we know the incredible changes that can occur in three short weeks with this therapy. We utilize the Universal Exercise Unit (the cage) because it efficiently targets weak muscles and allows children to experience active weight-bearing in midline. We utilize Neuro-Developmental Treatment because this is the gold standard for improving posture and movement in children with cerebral palsy, and works equally well with other diagnoses. We utilize DMI (Dynamic Movement Intervention) because it improves automatic postural responses and promotes progress toward developmental milestones. We utilize myofascial release because it is a gentle, prolonged soft tissue elongation technique that can be more effective than traditional stretching for facilitating proper alignment. We utilize unweighted treadmill gait training for improving gait patterns in children who are already walking, as well as for laying down essential motor patterns in children who are just beginning to take steps. We utilize adaptive yoga and pilates techniques, adaptive tricycles, and trials in a variety of assistive devices and adaptive equipment. Each child is individual in the resources they need, and we are committed to individualizing their treatment and care plans in order for each of them to succeed.
Most of all, we listen to you, the parents and caregivers of these amazing kids. We listen to what you want for them and what you need, and we work with you every step of the way. From the initial evaluation, to setting goals, to the home exercise program, the families are an essential and integral part of our program.
We provide excellent physical therapy in a fun, challenging, and family-friendly environment.
“We believe that your child can.”